QS 24 FG 12
Raised Face SO Flange, F321, High Corrosion-resistant and Environmentally Friendly, Type SO, Manufacture Standard ANSI B16.5, Class 150LB, Size 2 Inch, Forged Process Method, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
QS 24 FG 011
Forged Steel SO Flange, F316, High Corrosion-resistant and Environmentally Friendly, Manufacture Standard ANSI B16.5, Face RF, Class 150LB, Size 4 Inch, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
QS 24 FG 010
RF Slip On Flange, Material ASTM A182 F304, Type SO, Forged Process Method, Class 150LB, Size 4 Inch, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
QS 24 FG 009
ASTM A182 F321 SO Flange, High Corrosion-resistant and Environmentally Friendly, Face RF, Manufacture Standard ANSI B16.5, Class 150LB, Size 2 Inch, Forged Process Method, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
SS 321 SO Flange
SS 321 SO Flange, High Corrosion-resistant and Environmentally Friendly, Forged Process Method, Manufacture Standard ANSI B16.5, Face RF, Class 150LB, Size 2 Inch, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
QS 24 FG 007
Valve Joint SO flange, Face RF, Forged Process Method, Material ASTM A182 F304, Class 150LB, Size 4 Inch, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
Tubing SO Flange
Tubing SO Flange, Manufacture Standard ANSI B16.5, Face RF, High Corrosion-resistant and Environmentally Friendly, Class 150LB, Size 2 Inch, Forged Process Method, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
QS 24 FG 005
ANSI B16.5 SO Flange, Material ASTM A182 F304, Forged Process Method, Face RF, Class 150LB, Size 4 Inch, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.
QS 24 FG 004
SS 316 SO Flange, Face RF, High Corrosion-resistant and Environmentally Friendly, Class 300LB, Size 2 Inch, Forged Process Method, Manufacture Standard ANSI B16.5, Connected to Equipment or Pipe by Fillet Weld Directly.